We are celebrating a quarter of a century of LANIUS! 25 years ago, Claudia Lanius founded her eponymous label. Driven by the passion to build a brand that would allow her to use the variety of sustainable materials. With the aim of creating fashion for women that feels good and is good. At this point, we would like to take you on a little journey through time: back to the beginning in 1999 and on the way with Claudia towards a future in which fashion is sustainable.
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LANIUS wird gegründet
Die Reise beginnt ...
LANIUS ist GOTS-zertifiziert
Das GOTS-Zertifikat wird jährlich geprüft und neu vergeben. Seit 2012 ist LANIUS konstant GOTS-zertifiziert.
Ab sofort bezieht LANIUS ausschließlich ökologische Energie von naturstrom im Firmensitz und in den LANIUS Stores.
„PETA-Approved Vegan“
LANIUS zeichnet seit 2015 zertifizierte vegane Artikel mit dem „PETA-Approved Vegan“-Label aus.
Die Artikel werden halbjährlich neu geprüft und ausgezeichnet.
LANIUS feiert 20-jähriges Bestehen
Mitglied im IVN und umfassende Klimaschutzstrategie mit ClimatePartner
Der IVN (Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft e. V.) ist ein Zusammenschluss von über 100 Unternehmen, die gemeinsam für ökologische und
sozialverantwortliche Wirtschaftsweisen eintreten.
Ab sofort bilanziert LANIUS alle CO₂-Emissionen, die in der Firmenzentrale entstehen.
In Zusammenarbeit mit den Experten von ClimatePartner werden Kompensationsmaßnahmen ergriffen.
Klimaneutralisierte Kollektion und 100 % Bio-Baumwolle
Ab sofort werden auch alle CO₂-Emissionen ermittelt, die bei der Produktion der LANIUS Kollektionen entstehen, und es erfolgt eine Finanzierung von Klimaschutzprojekten
in Höhe der berechneten Emissionen.
Für die LANIUS Kollektionen wird ab sofort ausschließlich Baumwolle aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau
OCS und GRS Zertifizierungen
Ausgewählte LANIUS Produkte werden erstmals OCS und GRS zertifiziert. Die OCS (Organic Content Standard) und GRS (Global Recycled Standard) Zertifikate werden halbjährlich geprüft und neu vergeben.
LANIUS feiert 25-jähriges Bestehen
Der Nachhaltigkeitsprozess stellt uns konstant vor neue Herausforderungen. Wir nehmen diese an und haben uns auch für die kommenden Saisons bereits hohe Ziele gesteckt.
Lassen Sie sich überraschen!
Claudia, tell us...
On the occasion of our anniversary – a quarter of a century of LANIUS – we speak to Claudia about her thoughts on the past, present and future.

The Past: The noughties are back in fashion and LANIUS was founded exactly at the turn of the millennium. What did fair fashion look like 25 years ago?
When I founded LANIUS in 1999, nobody was talking about fair fashion. For a while I had to accept that the term "eco-fashion" was being used. Textiles made from hemp were often referred to as "potato sacks". I can laugh about that now. LANIUS fashion has always had a fashionable focus, because that is exactly what I wanted to show. I want to and can create beautiful things that make you feel good.

Many sustainable accomplices and cooperation partners have accompanied LANIUS on its journey. Are there any that are particularly close to your heart?
Oh, there are a few. First and foremost, I would like to mention my longest-serving employee and close friend Brigitte Pohlmann, who is now retiring after 25 years at LANIUS. With her skills as a product manager and pattern expert, and with her positive and life-affirming manner, she immediately won me and many suppliers over. I also see some of our production partners as sustainable accomplices, such as my close friend Aichin from China, who has been producing sustainable fashion for us for 15 years. I still feel a connection to hessnatur, to whom I supplied LANIUS fashion for 17 years - although no longer today. Heinz Hess showed back then how sustainability works - namely with each other.

The Present: LANIUS was managed and developed by you alone for over 20 years. How do you feel about being a mother-daughter duo in the management of the company?
For me, it is truly an indescribably fulfilling feeling that Annabelle has taken over the helm at LANIUS, is committed to sustainability and supports me in managing the company. Through her many years of work in marketing, she has gradually made LANIUS more and more transparent, reached many people and brought new companions along on our journey. We are now a real family business - even though it has always felt very familial to me.

The Future: Fashion celebrates a mood, a zeitgeist, a personality. What thoughts come to mind when you think about the future of LANIUS?
I am very interested in the topic of "quality over quantity". I could well imagine developing the LANIUS collection more towards essentials, i.e. developing even more focused, cross-season, timeless styles. We are pursuing the vision of a slower fashion world in which we buy less and place more value on high-quality materials and their processing. A world in which we also care for our clothes properly, value them and keep them in circulation!

In the current LANIUS magazine, you explain that by founding LANIUS, you have also found a way to find yourself. To what extent is the LANIUS brand a representation of yourself - apart from the brand name?
LANIUS is a reflection of myself. LANIUS is also based on the values that I live by: naturalness, high quality and sustainability. Anyone who has ever come to my home and knows LANIUS will notice relatively quickly that the LANIUS corporate design is also lived out in my private life. I simply love being in orderly and clear rooms, they give me the freedom for creativity and peace. That's why I keep everything at home in beige with black contrasts and design the living space with natural and high-quality natural materials.

The fascination with textiles plays an important role in your life. Can you remember when and how this passion arose? Is there a particular moment that made you realize that you wanted to pursue a career in the textile industry?
My fascination for the craft of tailoring and also for fashion began in my childhood. I still have a clear childhood memory of sewing my first pair of trousers and experimenting with them together with my grandmother. I was maybe five years old. I have always enjoyed dressing people and I worked in costume design for a long time and gained experience of what it means to work agilely and not to be held back by any barriers. My passion for textiles, especially textiles made from sustainable materials, was really ignited when I was in my early twenties and became aware of the book "The Rediscovery of the Useful Plant Hemp". Shortly afterwards, I founded my first fashion label called THC - The Hemp Company with my ex-husband.